We are called to bring God's love to the world through active ministry. Please feel free to scroll through them or click on a title below to jump to a specific ministry that interests you.
Sunday School
Children in grades K–5 are invited to join in fellowship at Sunday School right after the Children's Moment, and we provide confirmation classes for grades 6–8.
Bible Studies
Bible Study groups meet regularly; please consult the calendar for meeting times and topics. For example, there is a Women's Bible Study held on Monday mornings (see calendar for details and links).
Music Ministries
NSUMC has always been blessed with an amazing music ministry team, and for the last decade we have had both a traditional choir as well as a Praise Band.
Our talented choir often provides an anthem a foundation for traditional hymns! Bring your voice!
Praise Band
Our Praise Band prepares a song to help us communally raise our voices in praise each week. These days we often have a guitar, piano, keyboard, cello, and one, maybe even two flutes! If you play an instrument we would love you to join us in making a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Youth Group
We are blessed with an absolutely amazing bunch of young people at NSUMC! Over the years they have gone on Mission Trips, retreats, and enjoyed many different types of fellowship. They are involved in many of the ministries here from our Food Pantry to Maureen's Haven. They are also planning a mission trip to Rwanda and are making and installing a Peace Pole in front of our church! They are so busy, the only way to keep up with them is here on our Facebook Feed.

Youth Group Rwanda Mission Trip 2025
Our youth group has been in ministry with the Art with a Mission Orphanage in Kigali Rwanda, and have raised funds for art materials for the children at the orphanage. This year they are preparing to deepen their relationship by traveling to be with them for a brief time.
- Destination: Art with a Mission Orphanage –
KN 43, Kiyovu, Kigali, Rwanda.
https://www.artwithmission.org/ - Dates
Trip: July 7 – July 18, 2025
Registration Deadline: 12/31/24 - Cost: $2000 (Scholarships are available, please see application form for details)
24HPC - 24 Hour Prayer Circle
Once a month on the first Saturday we have 2 teams of individuals that have committed to spending an hour in prayer for each hour around the clock! Prayers can change both us and the world! Suggested prayers and topics are provided, please join us!
Helping Hands
Our Outreach team runs a very active food pantry that provides critical food support to families in need in our community. More details to come, stay tuned!
Maureen's Haven
The mission of Maureen's Haven is to protect and support the east-end homeless by providing shelter, supportive services, and compassionate care for individuals. The Outreach Team at NSUMC helps to support this mission by cooking and staffing dinners. Please see the calendar for dates & times.
Thrift Shop

The Thrift Shop ministry remains committed to the two-fold mission with which it began in 2011: to serve the community not only with a variety of reasonably priced goods, but also with dignity, compassion, and friendliness.
Over the years the shop has seen significant changes. It is now open three days every week from February to mid-December: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.
The inventory of gently used treasures now occupies more than twice as much space. One entire room is dedicated to clothing, another to children’s toys, and another to houseware—sets of dishes, glasses, cookware, lamps, small appliances, and miscellaneous household items. Another smaller room contains books, stationery, bedding, and linens. The hallway is like an additional room. Paintings hang from one wall. Shelves, cabinets, and racks neatly line the other wall, containing jewelry, games and puzzles, CDs & DVDs, vintage items, sports equipment, tools, and much more.
Each fall one of the sorting rooms is magically transformed into the Donna Eddy Christmas Room—everything Christmas, both decorations and moderately priced gifts. Regular customers love the room and eagerly anticipate its opening each October.
The number of volunteers has doubled, but the relationship between volunteers and patrons has not changed from the original vision. The volunteers experience a high rate of satisfaction. They have direct contact with the patrons who often compliment the shop’s friendly atmosphere, and express pleasure with their purchases. Loyal regulars come in every week to check for new items. Some of the regulars are lonely, and perhaps have a greater need for talking than for shopping. There are new faces, first-timers who come in because a friend recommended our shop. Volunteers and shoppers get to know each other. They share stories and experiences, sometimes with laughter and sometimes with tears.
Team leader Diana Mullady highlights the spirit of cooperation within the volunteers. “There are a lot of different jobs, and they all matter: sorting the donations, pricing items, displaying, working at the cash register, keeping everything neat and clean. Everyone finds a task that suits them. Everyone contributes and everything gets done.”
Without donations from the congregation and community, the Thrift Shop could not survive. People come with one small bag, or several large bags, or trunkloads, or they make multiple trips with a fully loaded vehicle. “What a blessing!” the team says, and means it!
The Thrift Shop often donates clothing and household items to victims of flooding, fire, or other tragic circumstances. Sheets and blankets, and winter jackets may be donated to Maureen’s Haven. Kent Animal Shelter gets towels, blankets and sheets that will not be sold. Big Brothers Big Sisters makes a weekly pickup at the shop.
The Thrift Shop is a successful endeavor, in all the ways that we measure its success: additional income for the church, contented volunteers, and happy customers. Additional volunteers are always welcome!
Crafty Ladies

The Crafty Ladies meet on Tuesday mornings from March through December for the dual purposes of creating crafts and enjoying fellowship. With the goal of producing unique handmade items for the annual Christmas Craft Fair, the group considers ideas for a variety of craft projects. Several are chosen for the weeks ahead, others reserved for later weeks, and the work begins. Each week the crafters are sewing, crocheting, knitting, designing, drawing, painting, cutting, gluing, decorating, polishing, and completing!
While working, the Ladies are happy to be together in fellowship—talking, laughing, and sharing. The results of their joyful labor include exquisite floral arrangements, wreaths, aprons—both practical and fancy; centerpieces, greeting cards, gardening accessories, baking kits, ornaments, tablecloths, candle holders, gift baskets, and much more. When the Craft Fair finally arrives, the group attractively displays all items and proudly serves the patrons who come to browse and buy. After the fair ends, unsold items safely stored, and cleanup complete, the Ladies celebrate another successful year, and take a two-month break to rest and refresh their creativity.
Crafty Ladies enthusiastically welcomes new members of all skill levels. Just show up on Tuesday morning with a willing spirit! Please consult the calendar for meeting confirmation.
Embracing Justice Study Group
Not being racist isn't the answer. Working for justice is what we are called to. Join us and learn how. Please consult the calendar for meeting times and links.
Lunch Bunch

Friendship and fellowship. Bring your main course. Desserts and beverages are provided. Usually held on Tuesday's at noon, please see the calendar for scheduling details.