February’s featured ministries are the MYF group, the Young Adult group, and all our adult Bible study groups. WOW Coordinator Judy Meserve has scheduled Sunday, February 9 as the specific day for celebrating these ministries. The Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) group is very new, having had its first two meetings in January. (See related MYF article.)
The Young Adult group led by Sue Nestler, assisted by Joan Ruggiero, is one of the longest-running groups associated with the church. The group’s members were high school “youths” when they began meeting, but are now college or post-college young adults. In their January to June Sunday night meetings, they discuss the topics and issues that are their current interests and concerns. The entire congregation enjoys the goodies and treats they can purchase at the group’s occasional bake sales, through which they raise funds for their annual retreat weekend.
The adult men’s group BUCK (Brothers Under Christ’s Keeping) meets every Wednesday morning from 7 to 8 a.m. Over their years together, members of the group have become close friends as they read and discuss books of the Bible or other small-group studies. Currently they are reading and discussing The Story, chronological Bible stories written like a novel. They typically spend two Wednesdays per chapter.
The Monday AM women’s Bible Study had its beginnings more than 10 years ago with the whole church study of Rick Warren’s Purpose-Driven Life. Several women in the same small group at that time continued to meet, but with additions and revisions over the years. The group meets every other Monday morning from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. The women have become close friends by reading and studying together, and have grown in their faith. The group will soon complete its reading and discussion of all books in the New Testament, not in order and with occasional diversions to participate in church-wide studies such as the Daniel Plan or other studies of interest.
Let’s also celebrate the annual church-wide Bible studies (like the Daniel Plan and others) that bring people together in small groups for a set number of weeks; as well as the Bible Studies on different topics that Pastor Ando leads on Wednesdays or Fridays.