Poetry by Jeanette Dowdell: “God Blinked”



 Wow!  Hurray!
What a Day – August 21, 2017
A Solar Eclipse

  It happened without our direction, or control,
It has happened before – it will happen again,
Just wait,
The moon and the sun shook hands,
Imagine that,
Perhaps the moon was giving the sun some cool relief,
Most of us prepared to observe this spectacular phenomenon,
Never questioning, I submit,

  “When did it first occur?”
“Why does this happen?”
“Does it serve a positive purpose?”
“How does this transpire?”
Why question when you know the answers?

 I believe all those of faith know it is created by
the One who created everyone and everything,
And with the same deep love,

 It was simply created in a moment when …


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